Terms & Policies
Terms of services
Sigma.video is a platform (software service) providing solutions for the video, media and television industries effectively for businesses, operated and developed by Thu Do Multimedia Joint Stock Company. In particular, we provide solutions: Sigma Media VOD, Sigma Media Live, Sigma SSAI, Sigma Livestream, Sigma Interactive, Sigma Linear Right Management, Media Hub,... is a complete set of solutions for production units. Exporting and trading OTT content on the internet.
In addition to providing software and service launch systems, we are not involved in the Customer's direct use process. Customers who agree to use Sigma.video will automatically agree to these Terms of Use.
We are ready to explain these terms to Customers. If you have any questions, please contact email contact@gviet.vn.
Thu Do Multimedia reserves the right to modify the content of these terms of use at any time. We will notify customers when there are updates to the Terms of Services.
1. Definitions
- Sigma.video: Platform (software service) providing effective solutions for the video, media and television industry for businesses, commercially run at https://sigma.video Detailed list is displayed in section " Product"/ “Product” on website: https://sigma.video
- Thu Do Multimedia: Is the owner and full right to exploit the Sigma.video platform.
- Customers: Are Organizations or Individuals who want to use the Sigma.video platform or use one of the applications developed by Thu Do Multimedia on the Sigma.video platform.
- Customer's Sigma.video system: Is a system that Sigma.video opens access to for Customers. This is an effective working space for Customers and individuals authorized to use by Customers.
- User account: Is the user account on the Customer's Sigma.video system that the Customer creates rights for that user. For each system, the Customer has full rights to grant usage rights to its employees participating in the system. By creating new accounts with different email addresses, Customer agrees to grant the right to use Customer's Sigma.video system to the individual and/or organization that is the owner of that email.
2. Customer's Sigma.video system
During the Sigma.video registration process, the Customer will create an account and password.
- Customers are responsible for keeping their password and account secure as well as taking full responsibility for activities related to the Customer's account.
- For each system, depending on the subscription package level, Customers can create accounts for their employees to participate in using the system. The number of accounts used depends on the registration fee.
- Customers immediately notify Sigma.video when anyone uses their account or password without permission or any security errors, and ensure that the Customer logs out (logout) from the account later. per session of use. Sigma.video cannot and will not be responsible for any loss, damage or other liability if the Customer fails to comply herewith or for unauthorized access to the Customer's account.
In the event of a dispute between two or more parties regarding account ownership, Customer agrees that Thu Do Multimedia will be the sole arbitrator of such dispute and Thu Do Multimedia's decision (which may include termination or suspension of the disputed account) is final and binding on all parties.
3. Protect your privacy
Thu Do Multimedia secures all Customer information and the contents of Customer accounts exchanged and stored on the Sigma.video platform as well as applications operated and developed by Sigma.video. We will implement and maintain all internal safeguards necessary and within our means; administrative, physical and technical to protect the security and integrity of Customer data.
Thu Do Multimedia commits to:
- Do not proactively change the data created by the Customer. This does not imply that the software system can automatically modify the size and format of data to suit display purposes and usage functions.
- Do not access Customer data except to fix technical errors or at the Customer's request or in cases where it must comply with legal regulations.
- Do not disclose Customer data except in one of the following cases:
(i) With Customer's consent;
(ii) Must comply with the provisions of law;
(iii) Fall under the circumstances specified in these Terms of Servers;
However, Thu Do Multimedia has the right to proactively or automatically access information about accounts existing on the system (including full name, email) for certain purposes, including:
- Notify customers by email about new features or new products.
- Notify customers by email about events, promotions, information about product and service problems...
- Contact Customers directly for technical support or other support to increase user experience.
Thu Do Multimedia reserves the right to use the Customer's Brandname/Brand for Marketing purposes or in promotional campaigns, product introductions or in conversations and exchanges with other Thu Do Multimedia Customers or Other Potential Customers of Sigma.video. For example, Thu Do Multimedia may include the Customer's name on the website displaying the names of all of its Customers.
4. Customer data and responsibilities of the parties
- Customer Data is any information that Customer sends, uploads, transmits or by any method helps display that information on Customer's Sigma.video System. That data includes: videos, live content, notifications, files, images, links, work-related content and all information displayed on the Sigma System .Customer video; Customer data includes all information, links, and text that the Customer and its user accounts enter into Sigma.video via cloud storage platforms.
- Customers have the right to use and control data posted on the Customer's Sigma.video system. Thu Do Multimedia provides available features, as is and applies generally to all Thu Do Multimedia customers so that customers can delete or extract data outside the Sigma.video software system. Customer is responsible for all data that Customer or its user account sends to and/or sends from the Sigma.video platform.
- Customer understands that Thu Do Multimedia does not own any data that Customer posts to Sigma.video; Except for documents and or instructional interfaces that Thu Do Multimedia proactively provides publicly to Customers.
- Deciding which data to put on the Sigma.video platform is at the sole discretion of the Customer. However, the following content will NOT BE ALLOWED to be posted on the Sigma.video platform:
(i) Wrong with Vietnamese law.
(ii) Involving the publication of information or documents that are fraudulent, discreditable, harassing or pornographic, and violate Vietnamese customs and traditions.
(iii) Infringing on privacy rights or discriminating against race, religion, gender, or disability.
(iv) Infringement of intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights.
(v) Interfere with or damage Sigma.video (including but not limited to unauthorized access to Sigma.video through any mechanical means).
- Thu Do Multimedia has the sole right to disable access to Customer's data content if we determine that the data is accessed in violation of these Terms, or we receive a complaint from the user account, or notify intellectual property violations and/or notify competent authorities of content showing signs of violating the law.
- Customers are solely responsible before the law if they use the software contrary to the law.
5. Suspension and termination of use of Sigma.video
5.1 Term of the agreement
This Agreement begins on the date the Customer agrees and terminates when all accounts issued with this agreement expire. In the case of Trial Customers, if the Customer does not switch to subscription before the trial expires, this agreement will be terminated upon trial expiration.
5.2 Discontinued supply
Thu Do Multimedia has the right to temporarily suspend Customer's use in the following cases:
- The Customer does not fulfill its obligation to pay Customer usage fees after Thu Do Multimedia has sent a 30-day payment request notice.
- Thu Do Multimedia believes that the Sigma.video system is being used by Customers to participate in illegal activities or that the Customer's use of the Sigma.video platform is harmful to Thu Do Multimedia and is denounced by other subjects or denounced by legal representatives.
5.3 The agreement is considered terminated in the following cases:
- Thu Do Multimedia unilaterally terminates the agreement because the Customer does not fulfill the payment obligation to Thu Do Multimedia according to regulations.
- At the request of courts and competent state agencies.
- When there is an agreement between the Customer and Thu Do Multimedia to terminate the agreement.
Thu Do Multimedia has no obligation to refund any fees paid by the Customer in the event of termination of the agreement for the reasons stated above.
6. Our warranty terms and limitations of liability
Warranty disclaimer
- Thu Do Multimedia does not guarantee, represent, or warrant that Customer's use of the Sigma.video platform will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Sigma.video platform will meet Customer's requirements or at all. All errors in the software and/or documents will be corrected or the overall system ensures the operation of the Sigma.video platform (including but not limited to: the internet, other transmission networks, internal networks and Customer's devices). Thu Do Multimedia does not guarantee in any form, whether express or implied, on conditions such as satisfaction of quality, suitability for specific uses or non-infringement of third party rights.
- Sigma.video platform is provided "as is" and "as available" for Customers to use. Customers will take full responsibility for determining whether the features of the Sigma.video platform or products created from the Sigma.video platform are correct and fully meet their intended use.
Limitation of liability
In no event shall Thu Do Multimedia be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or punitive damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of revenue. , loss of profits, loss of business goodwill, due to work stoppages or loss of data as a consequence of: (1) the use or inability to use the Sigma.video platform; (2) any changes made to the Sigma.video platform; (3)denial of access or modification of data; (4) corruption of data contained on or through the Sigma.video platform; (5) statements or conduct of any third party with respect to the Sigma.video platform; and (6) any other matters relating to the Sigma.video platform.
7. Force majeure
- Force majeure events are events that occur objectively and are beyond the control of the Parties, including but not limited to: earthquakes, storms, floods, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, landslides; fire; pandemic; war or the risk of war and other unforeseen natural disasters; access to sigma.video is interrupted due to intervention by the ISP (Internet service provider), policy changes or prohibitions according to decisions of competent authorities.
- The failure of one Party to fulfill its obligations due to a force majeure event will not be a basis for the other party to terminate the contract and compensate for damages. However, the Party affected by the force majeure event is obliged to:
(i) Take reasonable preventive measures and necessary alternative measures to minimize the impact caused by force majeure events.
(ii) Notify the other party in writing about the case of exemption from liability and possible consequences due to the force majeure event within 03 days immediately after having a basis to determine the occurrence of the force majeure event Resistance directly affects the ability to perform contractual obligations.
8. Dispute resolution
All disputes or disagreements arising between the two parties will be resolved in the spirit of cooperation to resolve them together.
In case the two negotiating parties cannot reach a result, it will be resolved according to the procedural order at the competent Court, the People's Court of Vietnam. The Court's judgment is final, carrying the final decision that forces the parties to comply with.